L'université de Nitra en Slovaquie
Slovak university of agriculure (SAU) was founded in 1952. In Slovakia there are no more agriculture universities. The SAU is situated in the centre of Nitra city. It offers wide opportunities for obtaining wide theoretical and practical knowledge at 6 faculties:
Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences
Faculty of Agricultural Engineering
Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development
Horticulture and Landscape Engineering Faculty
Total number of regular students at the university is 6900, 3000 external and 80 foreign students as well. Pedagogical stuff consists of 480 teachers, who participating on 68 study programmes.
University has got Erasmus Extented University Charter for 2007 - 2013 period. EUCX entitles the SUA to participate in all activities within LLP - Erasmus program.University has signed agreement with 194 universities and 48 faculties in 28 countries. There are 86 studying programmes offered for students mobility.
We are the students of Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources (FAFR). It is the oldest and the biggest faculty at University where we study in the 6 semester study program Management of Animal Production.
Others bachelor study programmes at the FAFR are:
Management of Crop Production
Special Animal Production
Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
General Agriculture
Human Nutrition
Our main study subjects are Cattle Production, Pig Production, Sheep Production, Poultry production and General Zootechnics. We are learning about particular breeds, system of breeding, breeding programs, identification and registration of animals, zoohygienics, reproduction and animal nutrition.We are satisfied with the information which are offered us by our teachers, but we would welcome more visits at farms to gain more practical knowledge and technical skills.
At our farms we raised dairy cows, sheep, pigs and pheasant. Cows milk produced in the dairy farm is directly sold throught the special milk automat for direct consumption.
After finishing the study on the bachelor level we can choose one of Master study programs. For this level exists at the FAFR 10 studying programs, but only 4 programs are concerned with animal sciences. There are:
Genetic Technologies in Agrobiology
Management of Animal Production
Animal Nutrition and Feedstuff
Our University provides accommodation for 2600 students but this is not enought, so that unfortunately not every student can get accommodation. Only the students with best study results can get accomodation at student hostels.There are two canteens in the hostel where everybody can get his favourite food at lunch and dinner, but no breakfast.
In free time students can spend time in Library where more than 520 thousand of library units concerning agriculture are available. Around 10 thousand of users have access to more than 200 thousand loans.The Botanical Garden
Part of SAU is also botanical garden with an area of 28 hectares. Its collections include numerous species and cultivated tropical, subtropical and temperate plants.The botanical garden cooperates with 350 botanical gardens and arboretums around the world in free exchange of seed material.The University Vivarium
The University Vivarium gathers more than twenty different exotic animals. Some of them were smuggled or kept illegaly and the public authorities of the Slovak Republic have placed them there temporarily.Zobor
It is a folklor ensemble in which hundrets of students have taken part during its more than fifty-years existence.Talented students can become members of this ensembled.
L'Université des Sciences Agricoles et Médecine Vétérinaire, Faculté de Zootechnie, Iasi en Roumanie (page web cliquez ICI SVP)
The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iaşi was established at the end of XIXth century and is a specialized instituton of superior agronomic and veterinary medicine training, financed by the state and having as fundamental mission the formation of agricultural, horticultural and animal husbandry engineers, economic engineers in agriculture and veterinary surgeons.
Our university represents a serious partner, recognized by many European universities and instances in the field of activity. Our university has 159 persons representing teaching staff and researchers; they teach almost 4200 students.
The university hosts four faculties, which provide bachelor, master and PhD courses:
# Faculty of Agriculture
# Faculty of Horticulture
# Faculty of Animal Sciences
# Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
The Faculty of Animal Sciences in Iasi was established in 1951. Nowadays, four academic programs are functioning for bachelor degree:
# Animal science
# Fish science & aquaculture
# Inspection and expertise of food products
# Engineering and management in public food services and agriturism.
Romanian team which attends the European Program "Reconquete ovine" during March 21st-April 1st, 2011:
From left to right:
1st row: Catalin (student 4th year), Georgeta (student 3rd year), Constantin (Prof., dr.), Madalina (student 2nd year), Razvan (Assist. prof., dr.)
2nd row: Sergiu (student 2nd year), Florin (student 3rd year), Bogdan (student 3rd year), Claudia (student 4th year)
Le lycée agricole de Vendôme dans le Loir-et-Cher
Le lycée agricole, implanté sur un domaine de 100 ha dans le département du Loir et Cher, est situé sur la commune d'Areines limitrophe de la ville de Vendôme.
L'établissement accueille environ 500 élèves et étudiants pour 19 classes. La répartition garçons-filles est équilibrée. Le pourcentage de réussite aux examens est d'environ 85 %.
Le lycée dispense des formations par la voie initiale dans les secteurs suivants :
- Enseignement général : Bac S "Biologie Agronomie Territoire et Développement Durable"
- Productions agricoles : Bac Technologique STAV, BTSA "Productions animales"
- Techniques d'analyses de laboratoire : BTSA ANABIOTEC
- Aménagement-Environnement : Bac Professionnel "Gestion des Milieux Naturels et de la Faune", Bac Technologique STAV, BTSA "Gestion et Protection de la Nature"
- Animalerie : Bac Pro et BTA Animalier de Laboratoire