La viande ovine revisitée à travers l'Agneau Presto...
C'est une 3ème journée qui commence au lycée de Vendôme. A 9h débute une intervention enrichissante sur la filière ovine française présentée par Xavier Nicolle.
Aux côtés de ce représentant de l'interprofession ovine du Limousin, nous avons pu appréhender le contexte difficile dans lequel se trouve la filière.
En effet, la consommation d'agneau des ménages Français reste faible (3,8 kg/hab) mais grâce aux acteurs de l'interprofession une opération de relance a pu être mise en place en multipliant diverses actions publicitaires.
« L'Agneau Presto », est une nouvelle forme de valorisation par ces professionnels pour promouvoir l'agneau français et inciter à la consommation. Ceci à travers différents biais: la presto mobile, les cadeaux, les jeux vont encourager la consommation de cette viande de façon régulière.
Ainsi, les étudiants Slovaques et Roumains ont pu également découvrir avec intérêt une nouvelle image de l'agneau dans la cuisine française. Ainsi, des recettes variées sont proposées aux consommateurs via des brochures, telles que « les recettes presto » avec une page de couverture titille les papilles. Ici le lien "recettes chrono":
Ainsi, les étudiants Slovaques et Roumains ont pu également découvrir avec intérêt une nouvelle image de l'agneau dans la cuisine française. Ainsi, des recettes variées sont proposées aux consommateurs via des brochures, telles que « les recettes presto » avec une page de couverture titille les papilles. Ici le lien "recettes chrono":
English version:
This is a 3rd day which begins at the High School Vendome. A 9am start rewarding intervention on French sheepmeat industry by Xavier Nicolle.
Alongside this representative of the inter-Limousin lamb, we were able to grasp the difficult context in which lies the chain.
Alongside this representative of the inter-Limousin lamb, we were able to grasp the difficult context in which lies the chain.
Indeed, consumption of lamb French households remains low (3.8 kg per person) but thanks to the actors of the inter-operation recovery could be implemented by multiplying various advertising campaigns.
"The Lamb Presto, "is a new form of exploitation by these professionals to promote the French lamb and encourage consumption. This through various means: the mobile presto, gifts, games will encourage the consumption of meat on a regular basis.
Thus, students Slovaks and Romanians were also able to discover with interest a new image of the lamb in French cooking. Thus, various recipes are offered to consumers through brochures, such as "recipes presto" with a cover page titillates the taste buds.
"The Lamb Presto, "is a new form of exploitation by these professionals to promote the French lamb and encourage consumption. This through various means: the mobile presto, gifts, games will encourage the consumption of meat on a regular basis.
Thus, students Slovaks and Romanians were also able to discover with interest a new image of the lamb in French cooking. Thus, various recipes are offered to consumers through brochures, such as "recipes presto" with a cover page titillates the taste buds.
Slovak version:
Streda je treti den, ktory zacina na Lyceu vo Vendome. O 9 hodine rano zacala prezentacia, ktora bola o ovcom priemysle, ktoru viedol Xavier Nicolle. Xavier nam vysvetlil problemy z jahnacim masom v obchodnych retazcoch. Spotreba jahnacieho masa vo francuzskych domacnostiach zostava stale nizka (3,8 kg na osobu), ale vdaka reklamnym kampaniam by sa mohla zvysit spotreba. "The Lamb Presto", je nová forma na podporu predaja francúzskeho jahňacieho masa a ich zvysenenej spotreby. Slovenski a rumunski studenti prejavili zaujem o tento sposob reklamy. Rozne recepty su ponukane prostrednictvom propagacnych brozur ako su recepty presto.
Versiune in limba romana
Cea de-a 3 - a zi a programului intensiv incepe la ora 9 am si in prima parte are loc o prezentare interesanta privitoare la activitatea de marketing aplicata in vedrea promovarii consumului de carne de ovine, prezentarea fiind facuta de Xavier de Nicolle.
Aceasta publicitate intensa reprezinta un efect al faptului ca in Franta consumul de carne de miel rămâne, inca, la un nivel scăzut (3,8 kg / persoană) si se spera ca prin actiuni sustinute de promovare a calitatii carnii de miel si de diversificare a modului de prezentare si valorificare in lantul de magazine, si pe baza unor actiuni intense de publicitate, consumul sa creasca semnificativ.
"Agneau Presto," este nouă formă utilizata atat in promovarea calitatii carnii de miel cat si in incurajarea consumului. Promovarea pe piata se face prin diferite mijloace: Presto mobile, Lamburgher, etc.
"Agneau Presto," este nouă formă utilizata atat in promovarea calitatii carnii de miel cat si in incurajarea consumului. Promovarea pe piata se face prin diferite mijloace: Presto mobile, Lamburgher, etc.
Astfel, studenţii slovaci şi români au avut posibilitatea de a intelege importanta si oportunitatea acestei actiuni in vedrea crearii unor noi imagini despre carnea de miel si despre bucătăria franceză. In acest sens, pentru a populariza si incuraja consumul sunt oferite mai multe tipuri de brosuri cu reţete bazate pe carnea de miel (
Un exposé qui donne envie de découvrir l'agriculture roumaine...
Après un repas agréable au lycée, nous nous dirigeons vers une salle ou va se tenir un exposé réalisé par les élèves Roumains. C'est à travers cet exposé exhaustif et représentatif des différents aspects de l'agriculture que nous avons pu découvrir un nouveau type d'agriculture fonctionnant avec une démarche différente.
Ces aspects abordaient d'une part des chiffres de la production ovine (lait, viande) notamment et quelques aspects géographiques d'implantation des races dans leur territoire.
D'autre part, les fromages spécifiques à cette région pour la plupart pimentés (nasal,bucegi) ont pu être représenté sur le power point, ce qui nous a ouvert l'appétit...
Ainsi le lien culturel et géographique a pu être mis en reflet.
Ce qui fut le plus surprenant c'est de découvrir qu'en Roumanie la production d'agneau est maintenue pour la laine alors qu'en France elle persiste pour la vente en carcasse notamment. En effet, la laine est un débouché important en Roumanie, les élèves nous ont révélé différentes couleurs de laine jusque-là inconnues pour certains d'entre nous (rose, gris, noire, marron, blanc, halili).
De plus, nous avons été agréablement surpris de savoir qu'en Roumanie, on utilise des races communes aux races Françaises (Merinos de Palas par exemple).
Ce fut un exposé riche en informations qui nous a impressionné tant par les capacités physiques des races que par les débouchés.
English version:
After a pleasant meal at school, we head to a room or going to take a statement made by Romanian students. It is through this comprehensive presentation, representative of various aspects of agriculture that we have discovered a new kind of farming operates with a different approach.
These addressed aspects on the one hand the numbers of sheep production (milk, meat) and some particular aspects inhabited by races in their territory.
On the other hand, the cheeses are specific to this region for most spicy (nasal, Bucegi) were represented on the power point, so we opened the appetite ...
Thus the geographical and cultural link could be put in reflection.
What was most surprising is to discover that in Romania lamb production is kept for wool, whereas in France it persists for sale including carcass. In fact, the wool is an important market in Romania, students have found different colors of wool hitherto unknown for some of us (pink, gray, black, brown, white, Halil).
In addition, we were pleasantly surprised to know that Romania is used breeds common to French breeds (Merino palas for example).
It was an informative briefing that we were impressed both by the physical capabilities of the races as opportunities.
These addressed aspects on the one hand the numbers of sheep production (milk, meat) and some particular aspects inhabited by races in their territory.
On the other hand, the cheeses are specific to this region for most spicy (nasal, Bucegi) were represented on the power point, so we opened the appetite ...
Thus the geographical and cultural link could be put in reflection.
What was most surprising is to discover that in Romania lamb production is kept for wool, whereas in France it persists for sale including carcass. In fact, the wool is an important market in Romania, students have found different colors of wool hitherto unknown for some of us (pink, gray, black, brown, white, Halil).
In addition, we were pleasantly surprised to know that Romania is used breeds common to French breeds (Merino palas for example).
It was an informative briefing that we were impressed both by the physical capabilities of the races as opportunities.
Slovak version:
Po príjemnom jedle v škole, sme isli do ucebne kde mali prichystanu prezentaciu rumunski studenti. Pocas prezentacie nam predstavili plemena, ktore sa chovaju v Rumunsku. Objasnili nam rozne aspekty ich polnohospodarstva. Na jednej strane riesia problemy produkcie masa a mlieka a tiez niektore aspekty optimalizacie chovu jednotlivych plemien.V druhej prezentacii bola spomenuta vyroba syrov, specifickych pre ich oblast. Vacsinu syrov maju pikantnych. Čo bolo najviac prekvapujúce je zistenie, že produkcia v Rumunsku je zamerana aj na vlnu a karakulske koze, zatiaľ čo vo Francúzsku je rozhodujuci predaj jatocnych jahniat (masa). V Rumunsku je dolezity trh vlny a kozi, studenti nam ukazali rozne farby karakulskych kozi, ktore sme pred tym nepoznali (ružová, šedá, čierna, hnedá, biela, Halil). Bola to zaujimava prezentacia, o ktoru prejavili zaujem slovensky studenti.
Versiune in limba romana
După pauza de masă, studentii romani au prezentat situatia actuala care se inregistreaza in domeniul cresterii ovinelor si caprinelor din Romania. A fost o prezentare complexa, in care au fost redate informatii despre productii, evolutia evectivelor, dimensiunea exploatatiilor etc.
Au fost prezentate si date despre modalitatile de valorificare superioara a laptelui de oaie , accentul fiind pus atat pe produsele traditionale (branza de bueduf, urda, branza in cetina de brad) cat si pe branzeturi cu mucegai alb (Nasal) si mucegai albastru (Bucegi).
Prezentarea raselor locale a suscitat un real interes intrucat la formarea unora dintre acestea au fost utilizate rase franceze.
Momentul important al zilei a fost cand studentii romani au prezentat rasa Karakul de Botosani, fiind atrasi de faptul ca in cadrul acesteia sunt culori extrem de interesante (roz, gri, negru, maro, halil, alb,).
Un petit barbecue convivial pour faire plus ample connaissance
Le printemps est arrivé, les températures chaudes sont avec nous et quoi de mieux que de se retrouver autour d'un barbecue ? Le feu de départ est donné à 18h. C'est en petit comité que nous nous retrouvons après une journée intéressante mais épuisante.
Slovaques, Roumains, et Français partageons un moment agréable.
Au delà des barrières des langues entre nos pays : nous discutons, partageons des anecdotes et apprenons à nous connaître. L'anglais nous a donc permis d'engager une discussion.
Au delà des barrières des langues entre nos pays : nous discutons, partageons des anecdotes et apprenons à nous connaître. L'anglais nous a donc permis d'engager une discussion.
De plus, après avoir goûté les fromages pimentés slovaques les jours précédents, aujourd'hui les français ont décidé de présenter leur fromages (roquefort, et Ossau Iraty du Pays Basque). Les réponses ne se sont pas faites attendre : entre le gôut bien marqué du roquefort et le plaisir des papilles pour le Ossau Iraty chacun trouve son bonheur.
english version:
Spring is here, temperatures are warm with us and what better than being around a barbecue? The starting light is given to 18h, with a small group we find after a tiring but interesting day.
Slovaks, Romanians, French and share a pleasant moment. Beyond the language barriers between our countries we discuss, share stories and learn about ourselves. The English allowed us to initiate a discussion.
Moreover, after tasting the cheeses spiced Slovak previous days, today the French have decided to make their cheeses (Roquefort, and Ossau Iraty the Basque Country). The answers did not expect, well marked between the taste of Roquefort and the taste buds for Ossau Iraty the choice was not imposed.
Slovaks, Romanians, French and share a pleasant moment. Beyond the language barriers between our countries we discuss, share stories and learn about ourselves. The English allowed us to initiate a discussion.
Moreover, after tasting the cheeses spiced Slovak previous days, today the French have decided to make their cheeses (Roquefort, and Ossau Iraty the Basque Country). The answers did not expect, well marked between the taste of Roquefort and the taste buds for Ossau Iraty the choice was not imposed.
Slovak version:
Jar je tu, teploty su vysoke,najlepsie pocasie na barbecue. Zacali sme o 18-tej hodine, najprv malou skupinou, ktora sa postupne rozrastla.
Slovenski, rumunski, francuzski studenti stravili spolu prijemne chvile. Okrem jazykovej bariéry medzi studentami sme diskutovali o vsetkom, zdielali sme spolu svoje pribehy a dozvedeli sme sa nieco nove o sebe. Vsetci sme sa dorozumievali anglicky.
Po ochutnavke syrov v predchadzajucich dnoch, ktoru pripravili slovenski studenti sa francuzski studenti rozhodli urobit ochutnavku svojich syrov (Roquefort, a Ossau Iraty the Basque Country). Odpoved nikto necakal, ale myslim si, ze vsetkym chutilo.
Versiune in limba romana
Primavara la Vendome este blanda, temperaturile te imbie sa iesi in natura şi de aceia studentii francezi au lansat o invitatie la un gratar. Actiunea a avut loc in spatiul liceului, intro zona inverzita si retrasa, incepand cu ora 18 PM. Activitatea a fost bine primita de cele doua echipe participante si dincolo de barierele lingvistice acestia s-au inteles perfect. Au fost purtate discutii despre obiceiurile de a petrece timpul liber, preparate culinare bazate pe carne si preparate din carne.
We were impressed by the eforts that breeders and all actors in the fiels (slaughters, retailers, commercial advisers, scientists, professional associations and so on) have done and still do to promote and revive the lamb consumption in France.
RépondreSupprimerThe customisation of the offer to fulfill modern consumer demands (smaller carcass cuts, ready to cook) especially via "L'Agneau Presto" products class is just a way to adapt and to regain balance in the field.
Otherwise, we were impressed by the advertising campaign with the "B-e-e-e-e-lles jours" logo, which encourage people to buy safe and high quality lamb meat, prepared in a traditional manner. We could see that both modern and traditional consumers were encouraged to buy and use this great product.
We hope this efforts will help French farmers to regain their place in the lamb production, to compensate the misbalance between demand and offer, in order to provide genuine best lamb products on the French and European Union markets.
Related to the Romanian sheep breeding sector, I could say that sheep in Romania are raised mainly for dairy, meat and skins and secondary wool. Among the 71 tones of meat produced every year (lambs and fattened culled adult sheep), 70 tones is consumed by Romanian citisens and just 1 tone go to export in the Middle East countries and E.U.
RépondreSupprimerThis fact result in a very low consumption level for lamb meat per inhabitant per year. Therefore, it could be an opportunity, motivated by our involvement in this intensive program to begin promotion of lamb production and consumption in Romania also. We had a lot to learn these days and thank you for this opportunity, French staff!