jeudi 24 mars 2011

Presentation of the sheep reconquest , Tuesday 22nd of March - Morning

English version:
Pierre-Guillaume Grisot, the representative of the sheep reconquest in France, came to talk to the three different groups of students about the evolution of sheep breeding in the country. He talked to us about the number of sheep that was going down from year to year, the different goals french farmers have, the different ways farmers had to promote sheep breeding (ex. the Ovinpiades,, the advice that was given to farmers to help them and how, as a young farmer, you could get ready to start your own sheep farm.

Version Française:
Pierre-Guillaume Grisot, représentant de la reconquête ovine en France, est venu parler aux trois groupes d'étudiants de l'évolution de l'élevage ovin dans le pays. Il a parlé du nombre de têtes qui baissait chaque année, les différents buts des exploitants, les différentes manières les agriculteurs avaient de promouvoir l'élevage ovin (ex. les Ovinpiades,, les conseils qui étaient donnés aux éleveurs pour les aider, et comment, en tant que jeune agriculteur, on pouvait s'installer plus facilement.

Slovenska verzia: 
Pierre-Guillaume Grisot, zastupca institutu pre chov hospodàrskych zvierat; co sa tyka oviec, nam prisiel porozpravat o zlepsovani ovcieho priemyslu vo Francuzsku. Rozpraval o pocte oviec, ktory sa kazdym rokom znizuje, rozpraval tiez o roznych cieloch ktore maju chovatelia vo francuzsku a o tom akym sposobom treba propagovat chov oviec (napriklad: Ovinpiades,, hovoril o tom co odporuca farmarom a ako podporit mladych farmarov ako si zalozit vlastnu ovciu farmu.

Versiunea română:
Pierre-Guillaume Grisot, reprezentantul Institutului de Zootehnie din Franta si a programului Recucerirea sectorului ovin a fost invitat să vorbească echipelor de studenţi despre evoluţia creşterii ovinelor în această ţară. A prezentat aspecte legate de reducerea anuală a efectivelor de ovine, de obiectivele crescătorilor de ovine francezi, de diferitele modalităţi prin care fermierii promovează creşterea ovinelor (ex. the Ovinpiades,, precum şi de oportunităţile de care pot beneficia tinerii specialişti ce doresc să se instaleze într-o fermă de ovine.

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